Friday, November 21, 2008

Second Opinion!!!!

This week I have found out some interesting news about my health, it's not for sure but the doctor is pretty sure that I have something called PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. Basically it is a hormone imbalance that makes it hard to get pregnant and create multiple cysts on my ovaries. It also, if left untreated, can create some major problems like Diabetes and Heart Disease. So since we have caught it so early in life I will be just fine.

The reason I am writing this is because I want people to understand the importance of a second opinion. I have been trying to figure out why I am not getting pregnant for about a year and my normal OBGYN she told me I needed to diet and I would be ok, I knew that wasn't all that was wrong. I went to another doctor that really listened to what I was saying and she is found what might be the answer. PCOS can cause weight gain and make it extremely hard to lose it. So even if I was a perfect dieter, I would not lose it. I could not imagine if I would have listened to my other doctor and not my gut. I could have ended up really really sick.

So please, if you just don't feel right about a diagnoses from your doctor, get a second opinion, and if you don't trust theirs get a third, so on and so forth.

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Brandee, this was a brave post! Thank you! I also had the same disease in my younger years, and know how frustrating it can be. We're so glad you found a good doctor. Much Love, and prayers, Lynda