Tuesday, November 25, 2008

22,23,24 & 25

Every time I write another message about something I am grateful for I learn something new about myself. It has been so much fun... I am sad that the month is almost over. Anyways, here are the last few days worth. Oh and sorry the picture is blurry but it just captures the kind of laughter I mention later!

22. Get togethers, I love hanging out with friends and family. I know I already put down friends and family but I wanted to also be thankful for the time I get to spend with them. The joy and spirit that comes from it. I love spending time with others, to some people may look like I am afraid of being alone (which is a little true) but I just like to laugh and talk... which might seem wierd if I did that alone... haha.

23.Laughing, if you know me well you know that I love to laugh..I am just shocked that it number 23 and not higher up on my list! I love making people laugh!! It is so much fun to laugh so hard you cry! Have you ever laughed so hard you couldn't stand any longer and you fall to the ground? That's my favorite!!

24. Snow, I am so excited to go to Utah and play in the snow! We ended up spending more then we would have liked on a snow suit for Makenzie, once I saw it I fell in love with with and had to have it! I think that playing in the snow is essential to a child's childhood. Playing in the snow makes me feel like I am playing up in the clouds with out a worry in the world! Until I fall of course... haha. I think that is why I enjoy being cold... I am a person who has the air conditioner on through out the winter... does any one else get nauseous when they are in the passenger seat unless the cold air is blowing by your face? Well, I do. I am grateful that Heavenly Father gave us snow to feel like children in now matter what age we are... Your never to old to build a snow man or throw a snow ball! :)

25. Angels, I recently have been thinking about a talk from General Conference given by Elder Jeffery R. Holland about angels. I am sure everyone remembers the story about the boy who went looking for the cow who wandered off even though his dad told him not to. There are times when I do things that Heavenly Father has told me not to, I know me? haha But I believe He sends me angels that set me back on the right path. For instance, my husband, without his guidance I would never have been baptized, or without Brett I would have never found my husband. These two people have been angels in my life and countless others. Without Lynda, I would not know anything about true friendship and forgiveness. With out my friends Lisa and Cheryl I would have gone crazy trying to raise my daughter without their special tips and endless phone calls. Oh, and my family I wouldn't know what endless unwavering love is. These are just some of my many many angels that impact me and my path. I believe in angels and that they are everywhere. In one day I believe anyone can see an angel. I encourage everyone to seek out those angels and let them know how they have put you on the right path or made you who you are. I believe that it will open your eyes on a cruddy day and let you see how incredibly blessed and loved you are. :)

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Wow, Brandee! You are so good at this . . . and I am running out of ideas for mine. I read yours and want to smack myself in the head!

I didn't realize we were both the same about liking to be cold - good! Cause I was going to turn the heater on just for you guys!

Also, we haven't had snow yet . . . hope it will be here before you leave so Mackenzie can use her new suit! Usually we have tons by now.

I love your thoughts - always so well said!