Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Great Eight

I have been tagged again! It's a good thing I like this sort of thing!! :)

The 8 TV Shows I watch
I wish I could say I don't watch a lot of TV but...

1.Gilmore Girls
2. Oprah (Which I Quote A LOT!!)
3. House
5. So you think you can dance
6. 7th Heaven
7. Raising the Bar
8. Numbers

My 8 Favorite Restaurants
Now, I said they were my favorites but that does not mean I go allll the time...ok so I have to most of these places once... Oh, and I am not perfect with the spelling...

1. McCormick and Schmidt (Sword Fish..Amazing!)
2. FX McCrory's (Prime Rib...Love it!)
3. Melting Pot (The duck! Good stuff)
4. Olive Garden (Duh...Alfredo)
5. Red Robin (Chicken Caesar Wrap...GREAT!)
6. Applebee's (The Fiesta Chicken GOOD!!)
7. Shilo Inn (in Ocean Shores..the Crab is grrreat!)
8. Red Robin (Again...I just really love the ranch dressing so I needed it to have it's own slot on my list! I compare all ranch to theirs!)

8 Things I did yesterday...

1. Prayed...A LOT! I find I am needing more and more comfort then I thought I would as I get older and more independent.
2. Read Scriptures again with the help I need from Heavenly Father.
3. Comforted my crying Makenzie from hitting her forehead on the corner of a wall.
4. Stressed about finances.
5. Searched for CHEAP plane tickets.
6. Kissed my husband.
7. Went to dinner with my parents for my dad's birthday.
8. Felt the Spirit.... That's always amazing...

8 things I look forward to...

1. The Lord's triumphant return!!
2. Becoming a grandparent...NOT TO SOON!!
3. Another child
4. Self Confidence
5. More time with my Hubby...Retirement
6. The perfect job for Anthony
7. Living Comfortably, Financially
8. After #3 Another Child..and so on and so forth

8 things on my wish list...

1. A LONG trip to Ireland, like we wanted for our honey moon that we had to put off.
2. A house... With a YARD.
3. Horses... Lots of them. Anthony would love that.
4. A job where Anthony could work from home
5. A Best Friend... I have wonderful friends but I would love one that called me their Best Friend.
6. An income for stay at home moms.
7. a craft room
8. I beautiful singing voice like Lisa Lewis'

8 Phrases I use all the time...

1. "I love you."
2. "On Oprah...."
3. "1....2...." I guess that's not a phrase but with Mak I have to count a lot.
4. "I want to be pregnant"
5. "I am having Deja Vu..." SP??
6. "No. keep it in your hair"
7. "Can I have the remote back!?"
8. "I love this song"

8 People I tag..
I still don't know many bloggers but I will do my best!

1. Amy
2. Erika

1 comment:

Lynda said...

I love your list Brandee. Sorry I haven't called back - we are getting ready for a big "company" trip to Dominican Republic, and I've been running around. I wanted to make sure I wasn't interrupted. I'll try to call today. [I remember lots of fun times at Red Robin . . . we'll have to go together for old times' sake!]