Tuesday, December 2, 2008

29 & 30

I am so sad that November is over! This task of giving grateful things everyday has really given me an excuse to write a whole bunch and give my opinion on things. I am grateful for that... I love to speak my mind A LOT!!

29. Lists, I love making lists! With out them I would get so lost! I am a total list maker! I don't think there is a whole lot I can say about them I just really enjoy making them and seeing each item get checked off, there's nothing like feeling like I have made something happen when some days I feel so lousy and lazy! I love them!

30. I feel like I have to make this one so spectacular because it is the last one of the month, but I truly think that all of them have been pretty dang good! And to tell the truth I am having a very hard time thinking of something fabulous! I think I am just so grateful for this past month and all the blessing there in. I have had many many many prayer been answered from as little as shirts I can feel confident in to as big as when and why we need to take a trip to Utah. I have loved the adventure this past month has taken me on, and am excited to see what these next few have in store! I love this gospel and everything that comes with it! Have a wonderful December...

1 comment:

Lynda said...

You did so much better than I did at filling out every day. I am so impressed by your example, and touched by all that you have shared. See you tomorrow for your BIRTHDAY!