Friday, February 27, 2009

Pay it Foward

I saw this on my friends blog and thought it would be a fun game, so let me know if you're in...

"The first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a handmade (or possibly store-bought) gift from me during this year. When and what will be a surprise. There's a small catch though...Post this same thing on your own blog and then come back and leave a comment telling me you're in. Remember, only the first 3 comments receive the gift!"

I saw this on Amy's blog and saw that I was fourth...oh well, I guess I can just do it anyways!! I love making gifts so, I thought I would pay it foward too!!


Carolyn Cox said...

If I've already posted it on mine, can I do it on yours too? I just thought I'd ask. :D

Brandee Leafty said...

YES!! Please do since no one else will do mine!!