That is a toughy!! And it's funny because Anthony and my answers would be so completely different!!
My Answer:

I would pack up and take Makenzie to the best, most wonderful place in the world! She would LOVE IT!! I can close my eyes right now and picture how she would react to such an AMAZING trip! It would look like "AWW" or "WOW"... There's nothing that transforms Adults into happy go lucky kids like Disneyland!! I have been to Disneyland twice and both times it was amazing!! The first time I went with my mom. It was cut a little short because she got sick but while we were there it was probably the most fun I have ever had with her! That's the cool thing about being a kid you get to enjoy those moments and hold on to them forever, instead of worrying about how your going to pay for the rental car and the hotel, you just enjoy it! The second time was also FREAKING AWESOME! I went with my Uncle Dan, Aunt MaryAnn and my cousin Kaylee. I was 16, and although I was probably to cool for school I remember seeing Cinderella and getting giddy like I was 5 again. :) I can't wait to take Mak to such a magical place! All I need is that dang $1,000!! haha one day!!
Anthony's Answer:

He is waaaaaay more practical with money then I am...in the back of his head it's always like "what if there's an EMERGENCY?" when I am thinking "Are you going to let life pass you by?" if Anthony and I could be summed up in one sentence it would be those... We balance each other out very well. He tells me when I am being irresponsible and I tell him when he is being stuffy! It works for us...well, so far haha. I just worry that if we are always saving for a rainy day then 10-20 years will go by and we won't have those cool memories that growing families are supposed to have. In 20 years I hope Mak can write about her many trips to Disneyland or fun adventures like that... I am all about having fun so Anthony keeps my feet grounded!! :) We are a great team and I can't wait for all the FUN we will have!! As long as not EVERYTHING goes into savings!! haha...
My Answer:

I would pack up and take Makenzie to the best, most wonderful place in the world! She would LOVE IT!! I can close my eyes right now and picture how she would react to such an AMAZING trip! It would look like "AWW" or "WOW"... There's nothing that transforms Adults into happy go lucky kids like Disneyland!! I have been to Disneyland twice and both times it was amazing!! The first time I went with my mom. It was cut a little short because she got sick but while we were there it was probably the most fun I have ever had with her! That's the cool thing about being a kid you get to enjoy those moments and hold on to them forever, instead of worrying about how your going to pay for the rental car and the hotel, you just enjoy it! The second time was also FREAKING AWESOME! I went with my Uncle Dan, Aunt MaryAnn and my cousin Kaylee. I was 16, and although I was probably to cool for school I remember seeing Cinderella and getting giddy like I was 5 again. :) I can't wait to take Mak to such a magical place! All I need is that dang $1,000!! haha one day!!
Anthony's Answer:

He is waaaaaay more practical with money then I am...in the back of his head it's always like "what if there's an EMERGENCY?" when I am thinking "Are you going to let life pass you by?" if Anthony and I could be summed up in one sentence it would be those... We balance each other out very well. He tells me when I am being irresponsible and I tell him when he is being stuffy! It works for us...well, so far haha. I just worry that if we are always saving for a rainy day then 10-20 years will go by and we won't have those cool memories that growing families are supposed to have. In 20 years I hope Mak can write about her many trips to Disneyland or fun adventures like that... I am all about having fun so Anthony keeps my feet grounded!! :) We are a great team and I can't wait for all the FUN we will have!! As long as not EVERYTHING goes into savings!! haha...
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