Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pass it on...

So I have been tagged from my friend Lynda to do an assignment were I list 6 things I value and 6 things I don't value and 6 friends that should do the same! Now I know that my writing skills are no were near the skills that Lynda posses but I sure will try! Oh, and family is a given so I will list others.

I value:
1. The plan of salvation, I value knowing that no matter what happens I will always be connected to my family! I love that I can't live my life with out the fear of losing everything I have worked so hard to keep.
2. Quiet moments, I value those moments when my daughter just looks up at me and smiles. In that moment I know that she loves me and I can see in her eyes that I am all she needs (her daddy too) :)
3. A soft breeze, I value going outside on a Sunday morning on my way to church in the fall and the sun is shining and the breeze brushes by my face, so crisp and cold. I feel so alive and well on those mornings!
4. "I love you", I value those three words more then ice cream with sprinkles and I reallly really really love ice cream with sprinkles (Thanks to the Nebeker's)! I am sure everyone loves these three words as much as I do. Everyone loves to be loved, I think if I make sure that everyone around me, even strangers, know they are loved the world of tomorrow will be much better. Of course I am not perfect at it but I have a lifetime to learn.
5. My wedding rings, not just because I love diamonds but, also because of what it symbolizes. Eternity with my husband! I am just glad that it happens to be beautiful too!
6. Laughter, I value a laugh or two! I think that if one day I could look back and laugh at those hard or embarrassing times it is all good! I love a good joke...clean of course! Laughter can cure just about anything... Just about.

I don't value:
1. Hurtful jokes about family and friends. I can't stand looking across the room to the person who was just made fun of, that sadness in that moment is what makes my heart sink.
2. Lying, like Lynda I hate lying unless you are trying to give my a surprise party, but that's it!
3. Tears, unless they are tears of laughter... Even though there are times when crying is all you can do to get past something, does not mean I like doing it.
4. Websites that promote bad behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Anyone who does not value children, and abuses them.
6. Whining....oooo I can't stand whining!

Unfortunately, I don't know 6 blogger's to tag... So, I guess two will have to do.

1. Amy
2. Lauren


Lynda said...

Hi Brandee! Hope you don't hate me for having done this, but you know, I LOVED reading what you wrote! Thanks for being so generous about being tagged, and sharing your values. Please know that I LOVE YOU, and treasure any time we can have together.

imlisaii said...

Beuatiful Brandee', I so wish I could have been there, but reading your words took me there. I'm so happy you found your truth and your passion in the WORD. The Lord works in mysterious ways. I believe Jesus Christ is our Lord and our Savior, and await the day I see him and only wish he say's "Well Done" to me as I know he will to you. God Bless You, I Love You So Much!